About Me

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I love Jesus. I love my family. I love photography. I love books. I love thinking. Probably in that order. I have a wonderful husband, five beautiful daughters, a house, and a camera. I enjoy spending time talking to my husband, playing with my girls, redecorating my house and shooting things with my camera. In my spare time, I sleep.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Acacia!

Today is my baby's 1st birthday.  A year ago today I finally got to meet my sweet little smiley girl.
Read her birth story HERE.

Fast facts about her birth:

*My doctor offered to schedule an induction on the 18th but I turned her down.
*I tried acupuncture the week before to try to get my labor to start naturally but it didn't work.
*The labor was almost painless.  So easy.  No drugs.
*I went in the hospital in no pain but 6 cm dilated.  
*I sang "Voice of Truth" to myself during the contractions.
*It took four tries & three nurses to get my IV needle placed.  Came home with a huge bruise on my arm. 
*I planned on watching the season premeir of The Office while I labored but she chose to be born at 8:03 pm and so I missed it. ;)
*We made them wait a couple minutes before cutting the cord and I got to hold her during this time.
*She had low oxygen saturation & fluid in her lungs so I barely got to see her after that.  :(
*In the two hours after she was born, Russ followed her progress in the NICU while I showered, ate a sandwich (sooo hungry!), called my parents & watched stupid shows on television.
*It was long after midnight before I got to nurse her for the first time.
*We were in the middle of remodelling our kitchen so Russ went home during the days to get some work done.
*I had to come home without her and spent the week going to the hospital every three hours to feed & hold her.
*She smiled at me for the first time while still in the NICU and I got photographic proof that newborns really can smile. (It's not always gas!)
*She was born on Thursday and came home on the following Wednesday.
*We went straight from the hospital to my chiropractic appointment. (After dropping Eden & Jasmine off at dance class.)
*I did my first photoshoot with her the Saturday after she came home.
*We spent the majority of the next month isolated in my bedroom because we didn't want her to be exposed to the remodeling dust.

Happy First Birthday, Acacia!  Mama loves you.  You are soo special to me.

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