About Me

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I love Jesus. I love my family. I love photography. I love books. I love thinking. Probably in that order. I have a wonderful husband, five beautiful daughters, a house, and a camera. I enjoy spending time talking to my husband, playing with my girls, redecorating my house and shooting things with my camera. In my spare time, I sleep.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Heart Faces: "All Boy"


Missy Rich Photography said...

His expression is adorable! :)

Cle Reveries said...

Who is this very smart boy? I've just fallen in love with him!^--^
Grannies are so peculiar!!!
Love & kisses to all of you, my dear Gina!

kitsanches said...

OI.Parabéns pelo BLOG! Também acredito no amor acima de tudo e procuro realizar um bom trabalho com jovens e adultos aqui no Brasil.Confira e opine: http://serejaseculoxxi.blogspot.com.br/
Um abraço da brasileira Cristina.