About Me

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I love Jesus. I love my family. I love photography. I love books. I love thinking. Probably in that order. I have a wonderful husband, five beautiful daughters, a house, and a camera. I enjoy spending time talking to my husband, playing with my girls, redecorating my house and shooting things with my camera. In my spare time, I sleep.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Five Question Friday: 10/14/2011

It's Five Question Friday over at My Little Life and I'm joining in...

1. Do you prefer your ice cream in a bowl or in a cone?
As a general rule I prefer to eat my ice cream out of a bowl but I absolutely love the taste of an ice cream soaked cone.  I guess I prefer the bowl because I am a slow eater and I can be more leisurely in my eating and don't feel rushed to eat.  But I am always willing to finish off that last couple bites of cone that my kids can't quite seem to finish.  :)

2. What three things do you love the smell of?

I love the smell of lilacs in the spring;  I love the smell of chlorine in my towels; and  I love the smell of freshly cut watermelon.  Only three?  pshhh...  
I also love the smell of new baby skin,  the smell of a warm summer rain (Those are fairly rare in Western Nebraska.), and the smell of men's cologne. 
Random thought, speaking of...

When I was in college my campus ministry leader once said that "Girls go by sense of smell and feelings."  I thought that was great and never forgot it!

Oh yeah...And I love the smell of new books.  :)

3. Giftcards or no? (In regards to gift giving...)
Heck, yeah!  I think they are great gifts to both give and receive.  It's more personal than cash as the giver can get creative and personal as to what the gift card is for but the receiver has so much more freedom as to when & how they spend it.  Unless you really go out on a limb and get a gift card for some place crazy, the person using it is most certainly going to be able to get get out of it and generally like what they get. You don't have to worry if it's the right size, if they have it already, or if they are going to like it at all.  That cannot be said for other gifts.  They can be a total crapshoot sometimes!  As the person receiving gifts, I would consider it a perfect Christmas if all I got were books & gift cards.  :)

4. What sports did you play in high school if any and do you still play them?
I played volleyball.  I went to a small high school where if you wanted to be in a sport, you were on the team.  I started playing volleyball in 8th grade and stuck with it all the way through high school.  I am 4'11 so needless to say, I wasn't a blocker.  Another girl in my class was a much better setter than me so...I wasn't that either.  I was considered a "back row specialist."  That meant that I got subbed in for a blocker when they got to the back row and subbed back out when it was time for me to move up.  I played mostly JV but I got to suit up for Varsity as a senior, though I spent most of my time on the bench "encouraging the other players".   ;)
In case you enjoy seeing old photos of me from my younger days, here's my junior volleyball picture-Fall of 1996.

5. Were you in band in high school? What instrument did you play?
No.  I was not in band.  I never learned to play an instrument unless you count the two songs I was taught to play on a recorder in 4th grade.  
However, I was in choir as an alto which I enjoyed very much.  I couldn't read music but I was great at hearing a note and being able to match it.  That served me well when I was near someone who knew our part well.  ha!  


Jackie said...

Love the photo of you as a volleyball player, and at 4'11" it must have been tough!
I admit I do not like watermelon in any shape or form, so that photo made me gag!

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